Using Memes to Open Spaces for Critical Conversations about Mathematics
For better or worse, teachers are not the only ones delivering messages about mathematics; media and social media routinely disseminate messages related to narrow views of mathematics and stereotypical portrayals of mathematicians. These messages can reinforce unproductive cultural beliefs and structural norms in mathematics education which has the potential to influence student achievement and motivation in mathematics. Thus, it is important that we, as a mathematics education community, begin to analyze, decipher, and scrutinize those messages. This article concentrates on creating spaces for students to hold conversations about mathematics through the use of Internet mathematical memes; since, messages generated from memes can be powerful and have the potential to influence one’s mathematics experience and one’s perceptions of who can become a mathematician. This article will demonstrate how incorporating memes in the classroom can invite students to discuss authentic uncensored thoughts, curiosities, and uncertainties about mathematics as well as the people who do well at it.
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