What Does 2SLGBTQIA+ Identity and Other Non-Normative Identities Have to Do With Mathematics Teaching and Learning?
In the last decade or so, many educators, researchers, and national and local mathematics organizations have sought to create targeted programs, frameworks, and educational supports (for teachers and students alike) to address disparities in who we see as a “math person” and who has access to high quality mathematics. Too often, however, queer and transgender people are left out of these initiatives, frameworks, and conversations about equity and increased representation. Many times, the exclusion of queer and transgender identities from talks of equity, diversity, and inclusion comes from the ways in which queer and transgender identity is often rendered invisible, “divisive,” or irrelevant in PK-12, and sometimes even PK-16, settings, particularly in mathematics. This article provides an argument as to why considering queer and transgender identity in mathematics teaching and learning is not only relevant, but essential. The article also provides considerations for making our schools and mathematics classes more queer and transgender inclusive.
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