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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • TEEM Submission Preparation Checklist

    When submitting a revision of your manuscript, please include a detailed table that shows how you have addressed each of the reviewers' suggestions.

Author Guidelines

Authors who submit to TEEM agree to the following terms:

  1. To adhere to all items required in the TEEM Submission Preparation Checklist;
  2. To submit a completed copy of the TEEM Submission Preparation Checklist with their manuscript.
  3. To format the manuscript submission using this TEEM Journal Article Template, when requested. 

For Papers Written by Classroom Teachers: 

If submitting to a call for papers specifically written by PK-12 classroom teachers, the manuscript will still go through a competitive review process. However, manuscripts submitted by teachers will not be rejected for failure to adhere to the stylistic/formatting requirements of the journal. Rather, classroom teachers will be offered any needed help from TEEM editors with style/formatting aspects, e.g. DARE questions.

Classroom teachers may consider any of the following for the content of their manuscript

  1. A description, discussion and reflection on what happened while trying to implement a particular strategy or recommendation from the "excellence and equity" research literature (from a previous issue of TEEM, or another publication or source).
  2. An article that focuses on some aspect of the TODOS mission and related goals:
    • to advocate for an equitable and high-quality mathematics education for all students.
    • to inform the public, including parents, and influence educational policies in ways that enable students to become mathematically proficient.
    • to inform teacher education programs.
  3. An article that shares teaching and learning materials and/or plans that align with the TODOS mission and goals.
  4. An article that shares student artifact(s) that align with the TODOS mission and goals.

If you have an interesting idea that is not included in the list above, please reach out to an editor to determine whether it fits within the scope of TEEM! 

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.