
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • ORIGINALITY: The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • ORIGINALITY: The authors ensure that their manuscript does not contain plagiarized material.
  • URLs: Where available, URLs for the references have been provided in the reference list. Please ensure that the DOI URLs are used, and not a restricted link (e.g. University Library Website).
  • URLs: For Tables, Figures, and References, please ensure that all URLs fit on one line.
  • DATA: If data is used, the submission contains information on how the underlying data and other material can be accessed (data availability statement).
  • COMPETING INTERESTS: The submission contains a statement on competing interests: Authors need to declare competing interests and also must explicitly state if they have no competing interests.
  • ENSURING A BLIND REVIEW: If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions for ensuring a blind review under the Author Guidelines section below have been followed.
  • METADATA: The Authors are aware that the published article and its metadata will be distributed to various search engines, databases, and abstracting and indexing (A&I) services. Moreover, its metadata (including abstract and references) will be sent to Crossref during the DOI registration process. Crossref makes all metadata available through APIs.
  • STYLISTIC & BIBLIOGRAPHIC REQUIREMENTS: The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines section below.
  • STYLISTIC & BIBLIOGRAPHIC REQUIREMENTS: Specifically, authors must provide accurate and complete bibliographical information. To this end, all manuscript citations should be listed at the end of the manuscript and must adhere to APA Publication Style (American Psychological Association). Please use the current edition of APA style in your manuscripts.
  • ABSTRACT: The paper should include an abstract of 100-200 words that summarizes the submission.
  • FILE FORMAT: The file should be in Microsoft Word format (.doc, .docx file) or Microsoft PowerPoint format (.ppt, .pptx file)
  • FIGURES AND TABLES: Authors must embed (with appropriate captions) any pictures, tables, illustrations or photos in the manuscript. They must obtain written permission when including student work or a photograph which clearly shows the student’s face or full name.
  • FIGURES AND TABLES: For complex images such as flow charts, graphs, or other visualizations, please provide a caption in your document that fully describes the image.
  • FIGURES AND TABLES: For numerical data visualizations, provide the complete data set as an appendix to your document.
  • ACCESSIBILITY: When including in-text hyperlinks, ensure all links include meaningful text that indicates where users will be directed (“resource list for teachers,” as opposed to “click here”).
  • ACCESSIBILITY: Hyperlink the title of the source in the reference list as well as providing the url. This allows you to create the title as meaningful link text for users with disabilities who need this, as well as to provide the url for good reason.

Author Guidelines

All submissions must be in Microsoft Word or Microsoft PowerPoint, Times New Roman 12-pt font, double-spaced with one-inch margins and numbered pages. Each submission must conform to the most recent edition (7th) of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

A cover page must be submitted as a separate supplementary file. It should include

  • title of manuscript
  • all authors' names, affiliations, 2 line bio, and contact information for the lead author
  • indication of submission type (presentation or poster)
  • declaration that the manuscript is original and has not been published before in part or whole
  • declaration that the manuscript is not currently under review by another journal or publishing outlet
  • declaration that all authors approve and agree to submit the manuscript to this journal
  • disclosure of competing interests if applicable (a financial, commercial, legal, or affiliation -professional, organizational - that could influence your research)
  • acknowledgement of financial support with grant numbers (if applicable, must be included in the main text)
  • suggestions for potential reviewers with contact information (must have earned doctorate in related area)

Submission should also include

  • 100-200 word abstract that summarizes the submission
  • photo of each author must also be submitted as a jpeg file (size:130x500 pixels; approximately 1mb). To ensure a blind peer review, the photo file must also be uploaded separately as an image supplementary file. Photos larger than specified cannot be loaded into the system. Alternatively, you may also embed your photo within a word document for submission which must also be uploaded separately as a supplementary file. You may submit this after the manuscript has been accepted for publication.

To facilitate the double-blind review process

  • the author's name must be removed from the main text, the in-text citations, the reference list, and any running heads.
  • Please replace the author's name with Author. If there are multiple authors, please use Author1, Author2, etc. and any identifying information such as name of publication, issue of publication, etc. from the reference list
  • Remove any identifying metadata from Microsoft Word Files
    • How to Remove Metadata from Microsoft Word Files:
      • Select the File menu tab and then select Info, if necessary.
      • Select Check for Issues and then select Inspect Document.
      • In the Document Inspector dialog box, check the boxes to inspect for certain data and then click Inspect.
      • In the results, select Remove All to remove any found data.
  • If the author's name(s) is not removed, the manuscript will be returned without review.

Please see About the Journal for information about submission type, the review process, and the rubric used to review/score submissions.

How to Register with the Journal

If you are interested in submitting your work, volunteering as a peer reviewer, or otherwise getting involved with the UNC System Learning and Technology Journal, you can register by sending an email request to We look forward to you working with us.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.