Examining the Intersections of Privilege through Collaborative Autoethnography: Four White Men Reflect


  • Craig M McGill University of South Dakota
  • Kyle W. Ross
  • Sean Bridgen
  • Tony Lazarowicz




White men may wonder if they are the appropriate people to engage in conversations related to diversity, equity, and inclusion or what they can possibly do to champion for social justice. In this paper, we—four White men of privilege in various roles in the advising field and leadership in professional organizations—reflect on critical Whiteness and our responsibility to challenge attitudes, facilitate discussion around issues of race, and to be allies and advocates. We will reflect through our roles on our campuses, our experiences in leadership in our professional association, and our responsibility as White men of privilege. We anticipate discussing how to serve as advocates without the White savior mentality, challenges associated with engaging in deep, critical and necessary dialogue, and leading effective change.

Author Biography

Craig M McGill, University of South Dakota

Craig M. McGill is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of South Dakota.


