Applying social movement theories to foster critical media and civic literacy in adult education


  • Elizabeth A. Roumell Texas A&M University



political polarization, social movements, critical civic literacy, media literacy, adult education


The literature on activism and adult learning is eclectic and draws on several broad traditions of education and social theory. The purpose of this paper is to trouble the poliarization of political rhetoric, and how it takes away from healthy political dialogue in civic sociaety, and to explore some understandings offered in social and political movement theory as analytical tools for critical media and civic literacy. Through the exploration of social movement theories beyond academic literature, we can model how to apply various theoretical understandings to current workd events occurring around us, how to identify and critically think about the framing of political and social issues, and how to recognize the types of collective identities that are being performed and promoted.

Author Biography

Elizabeth A. Roumell, Texas A&M University

Elizabeth A. Roumell is an Assistant Professor in the Education Administration and Human Resource Deelopment department at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas.


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