A Critique of Vibroacoustic Therapy for Physical and Mental Ailments


  • Virali Dharmen Shah Union College


music therapy


Vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) is a nonpharmacologic and noninvasive form of music therapy that uses furniture-like devices, such as physioacoustic chairs, to transmit low-frequency sound waves to the body. The vibrations are thought to regenerate cellular function of aging, injured, or stressed cells. In addition, music usually complements this form of treatment. However, there is much controversy regarding how VAT works. This paper is a critique of the existing literature published on VAT’s theories and experiments on specific patient populations, such as those with Parkinson’s Disease, to assess VAT’s role in improving muscle function and tone, reducing chronic pain, and alleviating depressive symptoms. The goal is to analyze the various research on VAT to discover ways to improve and encourage future studies in this area. It is likely that VAT has the potential to be a cost-effective supplement to medical treatment, but without the evidence, these conclusions cannot be made. This critique revealed several gaps in the literature and areas worthy of future research investment. Major limitations were found in published studies, but there is a high demand for greater longitudinal and controlled experiments.

Author Biography

Virali Dharmen Shah, Union College

Psychology Department of Union College






Literature Reviews